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5 Ways to Ensure Strong Ankle Sprain Recovery

5 Ways to Ensure Strong Ankle Sprain Recovery

Sideline your pain and get back on your feet faster with these ankle sprain recovery tips. Discover how to protect, strengthen, and support your ankle so that it heals faster.
Aug 6th, 2024
5 Tips for Protecting Your Knees During Exercise

5 Tips for Protecting Your Knees During Exercise

Exercise is essential to keeping your knees in fighting shape. However, if not done properly, it can actually promote painful conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament tears, and tendon injuries. Read on for our five pro tips.
Jun 19th, 2024
 Will My Ingrown Toenail Heal on Its Own?

Will My Ingrown Toenail Heal on Its Own?

While most ingrown toenails are just minor irritations that will heal with self-care, some become severe and require medical attention. Here’s how you can tell the difference.
Mar 1st, 2024
  I Got Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?

I Got Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?

Protecting your health is your top priority after an injury, but receiving fair compensation is also essential. Here’s what to do after a workplace injury.
Feb 1st, 2024
4 Early Signs of Osteoporosis You Should Know

4 Early Signs of Osteoporosis You Should Know

Are you developing a hump on your back or having trouble opening jars? A change in posture and weakening grip strength can be early signs of osteoporosis. Keep reading to learn more indicators of this progressive disease. 
Nov 1st, 2023
Tennis vs. Golfer's Elbow: What's the Difference?

Tennis vs. Golfer's Elbow: What's the Difference?

Pain on the inside or outside of your elbow may be caused by tennis or golfer’s elbow — even if you’ve never stepped foot on the tennis court or swung a golf club. Here’s how to know which elbow issue you have and what to do about it.
Oct 2nd, 2023
What to Expect from Your Workers' Compensation Exam

What to Expect from Your Workers' Compensation Exam

There’s a lot to figure out after you get injured at work. Here’s what you can expect from your workers’ compensation exam so you can regain control of your recovery and ensure your claim receives the attention it deserves.
Sep 1st, 2023
Pros and Cons of Having Your Young Athlete Wear an Ankle Brace

Pros and Cons of Having Your Young Athlete Wear an Ankle Brace

You’ve seen other kids wearing ankle braces during sports — does your child need them, too? Learn the pros and cons of having your young athlete wear an ankle brace, and discover when it's beneficial, when it's not, and how to use it safely.
Jun 1st, 2023
Everything You Didn’t Know About Osteoporosis

Everything You Didn’t Know About Osteoporosis

Our bodies constantly break down bone tissue and then replace it, but with osteoporosis, that system breaks down, too. Osteoporosis is common but can have deadly consequences if left untreated.
Apr 1st, 2023
5 Signs It May Be Time For a Hip Replacement

5 Signs It May Be Time For a Hip Replacement

If you’re struggling to perform your normal daily activities due to discomfort, stiffness, or pain, and medication or supportive devices aren’t providing relief — it may be time to consider a hip replacement.
Feb 3rd, 2023
When Is it Best to Use RICE Therapy?

When Is it Best to Use RICE Therapy?

Living an active lifestyle is healthy, but the possibility of injury is always present. Here’s when and how to use RICE therapy to get back on your feet faster.
Nov 1st, 2022
3 Risk Factors for Trigger Finger

3 Risk Factors for Trigger Finger

Have you noticed stiffness, swelling, pain, catching, popping, or locking in one of your fingers? It could signify a trigger finger. Keep reading to find out if you’re at risk.
Oct 1st, 2022
Will an ACL Tear Heal on Its Own?

Will an ACL Tear Heal on Its Own?

The ACL does not have a blood supply and cannot heal on its own. If you suspect a torn ACL, you need medical treatment to return to your physical activities.
Aug 1st, 2022
Noninvasive Treatment Options for Your Tendonitis

Noninvasive Treatment Options for Your Tendonitis

While some people require surgery to repair severe tendonitis, there are several noninvasive treatment options that can relieve your inflamed tendon. Keep reading to find out if one of them is right for you.
Jul 3rd, 2022
Understanding the Most Common Types of Arthritis

Understanding the Most Common Types of Arthritis

Arthritis is a painful joint condition with symptoms that increase during and after physical activity. Here are the most common types of arthritis and some tips for relieving arthritis pain.
Jun 7th, 2022
What Happens When Your Child Breaks A Growth Plate?

What Happens When Your Child Breaks A Growth Plate?

Broken bones are an unfortunate part of childhood for many kids, especially kids involved in sports. Growth plate fractures only occur during your child’s growing years, and they require special care. Here’s why.
Dec 23rd, 2021

Don’t Wait To See A Doctor For Severe Back Pain

We all experience some type of back pain in our lives. We could have strained a muscle working in the garden, maybe attempting to play touch football like we were still eighteen, or sometimes just putting your socks on can cause back pain and ruin your day
Apr 6th, 2021

7 Causes And Symptoms Of Right Shoulder And Arm Pain

If you have ever suffered with shoulder pain, you know it can range from simply annoying to severe, and it sometimes moves down your arm towards the elbow. Your shoulder joint is complicated, and pain can emanate from multiple problem areas.
Mar 8th, 2021

When to Seek Treatment for Arthritis in Your Back

Arthritis can affect your back, most commonly in the lower neck and back. Pain and stiffness are the main symptoms, although the exact cause may not be known. If you suffer from arthritis in your back, it may be difficult to decide when to seek treatment.
Jan 12th, 2021

Signs That It Is Time For A Knee Replacement

If you hear that click and pop from your knee when you get up from a chair, it could be one of the signs that it is time for a knee replacement. If your activities are limited and the pain keeps you from enjoying life, it could be time to speak...
Nov 4th, 2020

Do Rotator Cuff Tears Heal Themselves?

The rotator cuff in our shoulder is a part of our body we rarely think about. That is, until it begins to hurt. It is the group of tendons and muscles that surround our ball and socket shoulder joint.
Aug 7th, 2020

Is It Tendonitis Or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

When you have that nagging pain with tingling in your hands and fingers, you might think you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. In reality, it may be tendonitis in your wrist.
Jul 7th, 2020

Common Spinal Issues From Sitting All Day At A Desk

Many of us have worked at a computer in an office for many years, and at the moment we may be working from home. Regardless of where you are working, there is no question sitting at a desk all day takes its toll on the spine.
Jun 5th, 2020


Enchondroma (en-kon-DRO-ma) is a type of benign (noncancerous) tumor that begins in the cartilage found inside the bones. Enchondromas rarely cause pain or other symptoms, so most remain undiagnosed until x-rays are taken for an unrelated injury...
May 7th, 2020
The Many Benefits of PRP

The Many Benefits of PRP

Damaged ligaments and cartilage heal slowly and often require surgery. But what if your body could repair these soft tissues without surgery or medication? With platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections — it can.
May 4th, 2022

Neck And Arm Pain That Won’t Go Away

When you have neck and arm pain that won’t go away, it feels like you have hit a wall. You’ve tried ice, heating pads, OTC medications, and nothing relieves the nagging, and sometimes stabbing, pain.
Aug 11th, 2021

Treatment For Shoulder Injuries Due To Overhead Sports

As the weather warms up, professional baseball players are back on the diamond, tennis players are competing on the courts, swimmers jump in the pool, and let’s not forget all the weekend warriors who will be giving it their all.
Jul 20th, 2021

Being A Male Or Female Can Affect Your Orthopedic Injury

The fact that being a male or female can affect your orthopedic injury is news to many. There are many differences between males and females, as the difference in muscle mass, bones, and ligaments make each sex more vulnerable to different injuries.
Jun 3rd, 2021

Joint Pain: When Is It Time To See A Specialist

When you have joint pain, it becomes top of mind every time you move. It doesn’t matter if it’s your knee, elbow, hip, or shoulder. Move, and there’s pain. It limits your ability to participate in sports, to exercise, play with your children...
Feb 8th, 2021

Signs You May Be Suffering From Frozen Shoulder

The term frozen shoulder sounds quite serious, and in fact, this painful condition severely limits your range of motion. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, it can affect movements you take for granted like reaching upward or behind your back.
Oct 14th, 2020

Coronavirus Update

Please note that our clinic is now open to ALL patients, and elective surgeries have resumed. Nothing is more important to us than your health and safety. No patients with Coronavirus are being treated at Nevada Orthopedic.
Jun 8th, 2020

5 Common Shoulder Injuries From Weight Lifting

There are those who lift weights as part of their exercise routine, and then there are the serious weight lifters. The second group is certainly more rigorous and sets goals well beyond their own body weight.
May 6th, 2020

Chondromalacia patella

Chondromalacia patella (or patellae), also referred to as “runner’s knee” is a condition in which the cartilage cushioning the area under the patella (kneecap) begins to deteriorate and wear out. Due to this, the kneecap may start to rub against...
Apr 27th, 2020

When to See a Specialist for Your Child’s Knee Pain

With the warm weather on its way, parents are likely to be faced with kids complaining of knee pain. They fall, overdo it playing sports, combined with bending, climbing and stretching the wrong way. Sometimes they may complain about it, and then never...
Apr 5th, 2020

Surgery and Smoking

Cigarette smoking is recognized as one of the major causes of preventable disease. Most people know that smoking is linked to heart and respiratory diseases, as well as to several cancers. However, many people are not aware that smoking has a serious...
Mar 31st, 2020

Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica Pain

If you have ever had sciatica pain, you know the frustration of trying to relieve that nagging, seemingly elusive shock down the back of your leg. It radiates down the sciatic nerve from your lower back to your hips, buttocks, and leg. Maybe the best...
Mar 4th, 2020

Total Knee Replacement

If your knee is severely damaged by arthritis or injury, it may be hard for you to perform simple activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. You may even begin to feel pain while you are sitting or lying down.
Mar 4th, 2020

Life After Amputation

If you or a family member has recently undergone an amputation, you are aware of the life altering impact and changes that followed the surgery.
Jan 21st, 2020

8 Ways to Easily Treat and Prevent Wrist Pain

Different components of the body are constantly working together in perfect tandem, and if one area is stressed, it can cause a chain reaction of stress and discomfort. To prove our point, let’s look at 8 ways to easily treat and prevent wrist pain.
Jan 5th, 2020

Clear Causes and Symptoms of a Collapsed Disc

A collapsed disc of the spine can be quite painful and restrictive of your daily activities, and in many cases can become a chronic problem. If you have recurring back or neck pain, it is helpful to understand the clear causes and symptoms...
Dec 3rd, 2019

Painful Conditions That Can Occur Days After a Car Crash

You’ve just been in a car crash and your adrenaline is pumping. You don’t feel any real pain at the moment, don’t think any bones are broken, and you feel lucky to have escaped any serious injuries, so you head home. In a few days though, you begin to...
Nov 3rd, 2019

Walk-In Clinic Now Open

Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center is excited to announce the launch of our new walk-in clinic for same-day patients with acute injuries.
Oct 13th, 2019

8 Ways to Prevent Back Pain and Protect Your Spine

Anyone who has ever experienced the jolt of pain doing something mundane like tying their shoes or pulling weeds understands how debilitating lower back pain can be. Once it happens, it can become a chronic problem that prevents you from enjoying life.
Aug 5th, 2019

Facts About Spinal Fusion You May Not Know

Just like many medical procedures, hearing the term “spinal fusion” can immediately cause concern and fear in someone due to the unknown. Instead of taking time to Google horror stories and cause your brain to create all sorts of scenarios...
Jul 7th, 2019

Your Guide to Preventing Tennis Elbow This Summer

Tennis elbow can be a misnomer since it affects more than just tennis players. Carpenters, musicians, painters, and even gardeners can suffer from tennis elbow. Whatever activity you engage in that involves repetitive elbow motion can lead to...
May 16th, 2019

How to Avoid a Rotator Cuff Injury

What do a painter, a basketball player, and Roger Federer all have in common? It may surprise you to learn that the answer is: they are all at risk for a rotator cuff injury, especially as they get older.
Apr 24th, 2019

3 Common Finger Injuries in Athletes

Olympic athletes, sports professionals, weekend warriors, young, old, and everything in between all use their fingers as they play, which makes finger injuries in athletes a common problem.
Mar 3rd, 2019

Could You Have a Disc Disorder?

Many assume their back pain to be a regular part of daily life, but it could be something more. There are a variety of specific medical conditions that can affect the back, and cause an individual to experience anything from dull aches to sharp bolts of...
Feb 3rd, 2019

How Running Affects Your Knees

It is absolutely natural for your joints to take on some wear and tear over the years, but many individuals exacerbate this process with activities that can be hard on their joints.
Jan 7th, 2019

Frequent Football Injuries From Head To Toe

Are you ready for some football? If so, it’s time to also get ready for some football injuries. They go hand and hand with this sport, maybe more so than any other. Running, tackling, changing direction while running, falling, and overuse of a part of...
Nov 26th, 2018

Preventing Falls In the Fall

A fall can happen anywhere and at any time, but sadly, according to the CDC an older adult dies every twenty minutes from a fall, and they mostly happen in the home. Since September 22 – 28 is Fall Prevention Awareness Week, it’s the perfect time...
Oct 3rd, 2018

6 Ways to Prevent Injury While Golfing

Did you know that more than 130,000 people were treated for a golf-related injury in 2015? Even though this sport is a low-impact activity with minimal risk, an injury is still always possible.
Aug 2nd, 2018

How to Stay Safe While Playing Golf

While no one reading this will probably ever be a Tiger Woods or a Nicklaus, some of us will religiously hit the golf course to try. While most just play golf for fun, the sport can stop being fun rather quickly when you become injured.
Jul 3rd, 2018

Arthritis Treatments To Try Before Joint Replacement

As today’s active baby boomers are confronted with knee, hip, and other joint pain, they are not content to “sit out” the rest of their lives. Osteoarthritis can affect younger patients as well and with modern alternatives available, joint replacement...
Jun 4th, 2018

Why Didn’t My Rotator Cuff Heal?

Healing of a rotator cuff is complicated and depends on a number of variables. Many rotator cuff surgeries will heal just fine, but others may not. The simple explanation is the shoulder is a difficult place for healing to occur, and the rotator cuff...
May 2nd, 2018

6 Common Causes Of Front Knee Pain

If you suffer from front knee pain in Las Vegas, you understand the frustration as you search for relief. Professional athletes, weekend warriors, and those who just love outdoor sports can all attest to how this directly affects daily activities.
Mar 29th, 2018

Back Pain During Basketball Season

So you’ve picked up basketball as a new sport at the gym and are experiencing back pain that you’ve never felt before. Or maybe you’re just seeing that a lot of your favorite NBA players are out for a few games due to a back injury. Either way...
Mar 8th, 2018

Arthritis in the Winter

Arthritis isn’t the definition of a disease or one single issue, it’s a blanket definition of stiffness and pain in your joints. There are dozens of types of arthritis, but the most common form of arthritis is caused by the degeneration of joints that...
Jan 4th, 2018

5 Important Habits to Improve Back Health

Millions of Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their life, and many people believe there is nothing that can be done to prevent back problems. But there are many things people can do to take care of their back now to prevent pain...
Dec 7th, 2017

Marathon Injury Prevention and Treatment

Thousands of people will be running in the 2017 Las Vegas Marathon next week. If you’re training for the race, here’s what you need to know about injury prevention and treatment.
Nov 7th, 2017

What is Recovery like After Knee Surgery?

Many patients have questions about the typical recovery after knee surgery, when they’ll be able to complete daily tasks on their own, and when they’ll be exercising again.
Oct 31st, 2017

Retirement Celebration!

A dinner reception was recently held to commemorate the retirement of Toni Richardson, former Finance & Benefits Manager, after more than 23 years of dedicated service. Thank you, Toni, for all you’ve given to Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center!
Oct 30th, 2017

Rasing Cancer Awareness

During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our staff is proudly wearing pink on select casual days to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Thanks to all for the incredible support of this important cause!
Oct 24th, 2017

Scoliosis Screening Information

An abnormal curve of the spine, resembling an “S” or “C” may be scoliosis, a common musculoskeletal disorder. Scoliosis is especially common in adolescents but can affect adults as well, often for varying reasons.
Oct 2nd, 2017

AAOS Warns Parents of Trampoline Danger

Trampolines are commonplace in many backyards across the country. Children spend countless summer hours on trampolines, but the danger of trampoline use was put back into the spotlight recently after a three-year-old boy in Florida was injured on a...
Sep 5th, 2017

Benefits of an Outpatient Hip or Knee Replacement

A hip or knee replacement is seen as a last resort that is used when non-surgical treatments have failed. But for the right patient, advances in technology have made it possible for a person to forgo an overnight stay in the hospital. Outpatient joint...
Aug 27th, 2017

Self-Diagnosing Using the Internet

While self-diagnosing has always been a method for some people, the increasing ease of finding medical information on the internet has left a vast majority relying on “Dr. Google” as their go-to source. But is it the right path to take?
Jul 11th, 2017

Give Your Back a Break This Summer

People are constantly on the move during the warm summer months. It’s a popular time for family vacations, moving to a new home, or catching up on outdoor yard chores.
Jul 6th, 2017

FAQ’s About Hip Replacement

Read these frequently asked questions about hip replacement surgery, including the typical outcomes and expected recovery.
Jun 21st, 2017

Workers comp wackiness!

We recently hosted several teams at the annual Las Vegas workers comp bowling tourney. What a great and goofy afternoon!
Jun 20th, 2017

Most Effective Ways to Manage Arthritis Pain

Arthritis could be caused by about 100 different diseases, but it all leads to one main symptom: inflammation of the joints. Inflammation is the body’s way of fighting off injury or infection, and it is completely healthy for short periods of time.
Jun 5th, 2017