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8 Ways to Easily Treat and Prevent Wrist Pain

Different components of the body are constantly working together in perfect tandem, and if one area is stressed, it can cause a chain reaction of stress and discomfort. To prove our point, let’s look at 8 ways to easily treat and prevent wrist pain.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

How many million Americans work at a computer or laptop all day? There are more than we can count, and all of them can be afflicted with wrist pain. Whether it comes from arthritis, poor posture, or simply the constant repetition of pounding the keyboard, wrist pain is a common complaint. It can affect your productivity and if left untreated, may create more serious issues.

In order to prevent certain conditions like the numbness and tingling of carpal tunnel syndrome or De Quervain’s tendonitis, be aware that the nerves, muscles, and tendons in our neck are connected to our shoulder, then run down our arm to our wrist and fingers. If there’s an problem in our neck muscles or nerves, it’s possible to feel the pain in our wrist.

Practice Proper Ergonomics

An important part of avoiding wrist pain is to make sure that common spaces are not contributing to overuse or stress of the area. Make sure you:

Fix Your Posture

We’re all a bit guilty here, as it can be so easy to slump over in your chair without ever even realizing it. Unfortunately, poor posture can have a tremendous affect on various joints of the body, including the wrists. To prevent these complications, try to:

Change Positions

Use a stand up desk if possible so your body gets a rest from the same seated position for hours at a time. If that’s not possible, get up at least every 30 minutes and walk around to relax your muscles.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration causes muscle fatigue and tendonitis leading to pain. Since healthy muscles and tendons are mostly comprised of water, stay hydrated during the day, and no, carbonated soft drinks do not count toward this goal.

Stretch It Out

Besides wrist pain from typing, other activities like gardening, assembly line jobs, and even hobbies can leave your wrist hurting. If you regularly suffer from wrist pain or carpal tunnel syndrome, all is not lost. There are still some exercises and stretches to help you get some relief.

Upside Down Hand

You can stand or sit for this. Put your right arm out in front of you while keeping the palm open. Then turn the palm down so your fingers are reaching down to the ground. Using the left hand, pull your right fingertips and thumb down to stretch them. Hold a few seconds before switching hands and repeating the exercise on the opposite wrist.

Fist To Fan Stretch

Make a tight fist and then open your hand and fingers as wide as you can. Repeat 10 times.

Thumb Touches

Touch your right thumb to your pinky finger, then release. Next touch your thumb to your ring finger and release. Repeat the same action with your middle and index finger. Then repeat using your left hand. Do this 10 times and exaggerate the touch and release each time.

Desk Press

While sitting down, place your palms up under a table. Press upward against the bottom of the desk and hold for 5 – 10 seconds.

If your wrist pain is still bothersome after trying these suggestions, it’s best to contact Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center for a professional evaluation. Please call (702) 258-3773 today to schedule an appointment at our office in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV!

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