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What Every Baseball Player Should Know About Shoulder Pain This Season

As the baseball season swings into high gear, athletes push their bodies to the limit to achieve peak performance. However, the rigorous demands of pitching and batting can take a toll on the body, particularly the shoulder. 

Here, the team at Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, shares causes, prevention, and treatment of shoulder pain to ensure a successful and injury-free season. Here’s what every baseball player should know about shoulder pain this season.

How does baseball cause shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain in baseball players, especially pitchers, often stems from overuse and repetitive stress injuries. The shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion, making it vulnerable to various injuries. 

Common baseball shoulder issues 

The most common shoulder issues caused by playing baseball include rotator cuff injuries, shoulder impingement syndrome, and labral tears.

Rotator cuff injuries

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder. Repetitive throwing can lead to inflammation, strains, or tears in the rotator cuff.

Shoulder impingement syndrome

This condition occurs when the shoulder muscles swell and cramp the space between the arm and shoulder bones, leading to pain and movement restriction.

Labral tears

The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the shoulder socket. Excessive throwing can cause tears in the labrum, leading to pain, instability, and decreased performance.

How to prevent shoulder pain

The best strategy against shoulder pain is prevention. Players should adopt a comprehensive approach focusing on proper technique, strength training, and adequate rest.

Proper throwing technique

Correct throwing mechanics can reduce shoulder stress. Players should work with coaches to refine their technique.

Strength training

 A well-rounded strength training program that includes the rotator cuff, scapular stabilizers, and the core can enhance shoulder stability and endurance.

Adequate rest

Rest is critical for recovery. Players should adhere to pitch count guidelines and ensure they get enough rest between appearances to allow their shoulders to recover.

Treatment and management

Early intervention is crucial for managing shoulder pain. Ignoring symptoms can lead to more severe injuries and prolonged recovery times. Standard treatment methods for shoulder pain include:

More severe shoulder injuries may require surgery.

As baseball players navigate the season's challenges, understanding and addressing shoulder pain is vital for longevity in the sport. Remember, the key to a successful season lies not just in how you play the game but also in how you care for your body off the field.

 If you experience shoulder pain or injuries while playing baseball, call our Henderson or Las Vegas, Nevada, office to schedule an appointment.

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