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6 Common Causes Of Front Knee Pain

If you suffer from front knee pain in Las Vegas, you understand the frustration as you search for relief. Professional athletes, weekend warriors, and those who just love outdoor sports can all attest to how this directly affects daily activities.

To help grow your knowledge and seek comfort, here are 6 common causes of front knee pain, also known as anterior knee pain.

1. Jumper’s Knee

Patellar Tendonitis is a common overuse injury seen in jumpers and sprinters. It results from chronic repetitive stress to the knee or overtraining. One spot will be especially tender to the touch, and pain will flare up when sprinting, jumping, running upstairs or uphill.

Without proper training, the tendons and ligaments break down and the result is inflammation and pain.

2. Patella Dislocation

Athletes who feel a “pop” or “snap” may have dislocated their patella (kneecap). A dislocation occurs when the patella slips out of the groove on the femur that normally keeps the kneecap in its proper place. A patella dislocation can lead to recurrent dislocations and injury to the cartilage.

3. Runner’s Knee

Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is sometimes called Runner’s knee. It’s hard to determine the exact reason for this syndrome, but signs point to weak muscles in the hip.

If you are a young runner, there are a few preventative measures you can take to avoid runner’s knee, and save yourself from unnecessary pain.

4. Osteoarthritis

This anterior knee pain, also known as degenerative joint disease, usually starts in middle age. The cartilage behind the knee becomes worn out from “wear and tear,” and the friction on the joint causes pain and stiffness.

Women are 2 times more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis. Being overweight and over the age of 65 are also common risk factors.

OTC medications and wearing knee compression sleeves give some patients relief while physical therapy and injections help others. Knee replacement surgery is often the last resort.

5. Chondromalacia Of The Patella

Chondromalacia is found in many young athletes and believed to be an early sign of arthritis. This is when the tissue or cartilage under the kneecap softens and breaks down leading to irritation.

Compression sleeves and physical therapy will help manage the pain.

6. Plica

25% of normal knees contain Plica which is tissue that can thicken and become irritated. These patients can seek relief from OTC medications and by reducing their amount of activity.

Discovering the cause of your front knee pain can help quickly determine the treatment plan. Talk to one of our orthopedic specialists at Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center at (702) 258-3773 to find out what you can do to minimize and manage your knee pain.


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