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Labral tears


The hip is a vital structure within the body responsible for a wide range of motion. The cartilage between bones may wear down over time and impede essential mobility, as seen with a labral tear. The team at Nevada Orthopedic and Spine Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, dedicates their knowledge and expertise to promote healthy hip function. Call the office today, or schedule an appointment through the online portal.

What is a Labral tear?

The bones of the thigh and hip fit together in a ball-and-socket mechanism. Cartilage acts as a cushion within this area, as with most bone-to-bone structures in the body. This helps prevent painful grinding of bone tissue and promotes overall function. The specific section of cartilage inside the ball-and-socket mechanism of the hip is known as the labrum.

When this area becomes compromised, it’s known as a labral tear. A labral tear creates pain, reduces your range of motion, and reduces your quality of life. 

What causes a Labral tear?

Several instances contribute to the risk of a labral tear. Activities such as walking, sitting, squatting, and climbing, regularly aid daily life by getting us from one area to another. Repeated use over time increases the strain on the labrum and the risk for a labral tear. This is common in athletes, who use these ranges of motion more frequently than non-athletes.

Additionally, a labral tear may result from trauma or structural abnormalities. Structural causes include the ball-and-socket hip mechanism not fitting correctly or extra bone tissue grinding on the labrum cartilage. Accidents and injuries to the hip also contribute to the labrum’s stress and increase the risk of a labral tear.

What are the signs of a Labral tear?

Labral tears manifest in some common signs and symptoms. Pain in the hip region can indicate a labral tear, especially during long periods of standing or repeated activities. Additionally, if this pain accompanies stiffness of the area and clicking of the hip joint, the patient likely suffers from a labral tear. It’s also possible to show no symptoms of a labral tear.

The use of diagnostic tools, such as X-Ray, MRI scans, and physical exams, help circumvent a labral tear. It’s important to schedule regular check-ups with your health care provider that offer these services.

How do you treat a Labral tear?

There are both surgical and nonsurgical treatment modalities for a labral tear. Which treatment is best depends on the severity of the condition. Over-the-counter medications and injectable corticosteroids help reduce pain and inflammation. Additionally, physical therapy, while avoiding strenuous activity, aids in the recovery process.

Arthroscopic surgery is an option for more severe labral tears. During this procedure, small incisions in the hip provide access to the labral tear, where the doctor makes the necessary corrections, such as removing or sealing the torn tissue.

Call the office today at the office located in Las Vegas, Las Vegas, or schedule an appointment online through the online portal to learn more about a labral tear.

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